When is Baby Kuntz Due?

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Good Morning Family and Friends!! How is the weather treaten everyone? COLD COLD COLD, thank god that the warm weather is on the way.

Yesterday we had our ultrasound with the Dr. The heart showed the 4 chambers pumping away. Beau is just amazed that a person can see the heart so clearly. Even though he has seen it twice before with the girls. The heart beat was 142. There was only one heart beat so if you were waiting to hear about twins or anytning like that sorry to tell ya Beau and I make them one at a time. The kidneys, liver, diaphram, stomach, and mouth looked great. No abnormalities. We had them look closely at the kidneys due to Gracie. Dianne showed us the three vessel cord. Paige also had a three vessel cord and Gracie only had a two vessel cord. It was tied into a knot and was extra long. The due date is still at the end of July. No changes there. The ultrasounds pictures are not as clear as I would like them to be in order to post. But he/she was giving us the piece sign. During the whole ultasound he/she has its hands up by its face so we couldn't get a really good picture of it. The hands were so cute though. Beau and I got a chuckle out of which family he/she is throwing back to. Our time in the Dr. office was short and sweet. Just Beau and I were in there. Well plus Dianne and Dr. Molloy. It was very peaceful and relaxing. Dr. asked me if I had felt the baby move. I told him yep and so has Beau. I was laying on the floor and could feel him/her. I showed him where to feel and soon his hands were bouncing. He was smiling from ear to ear. You have to plan it just right in order to feel the little one wiggle. He/she is getting into the sleep wake pattern.

Update on the status of Gracie. She has her recheck on Friday to make sure that the infection is gone in order to schedule the reflex test. Here is some information on reflux. Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is the abnormal flow of urine from the bladder back into the ureters. VUR is most commonly diagnosed in infancy and childhood after the patient has a urinary tract infection (UTI). About one-third of children with a UTI are found to have VUR. VUR can lead to infection because urine that remains in the child’s urinary tract provides a place for bacteria to grow. But sometimes the infection itself is the cause of VUR. This will be the test performed on Gracie. Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG): A test that examines the urethra and bladder while the bladder fills and empties. A liquid that can be seen on x rays is placed in the bladder through a catheter. Pictures are taken when the bladder is filled and when the child urinates. This test can reveal abnormalities of the inside of the urethra and bladder. The test can also determine whether the flow of urine is normal when the bladder empties. She has already had the ultrasound on the kidney and bladder. When we meet with the specialitst I will let everyone know more information.

Paige is a character. Just the other day she put her kitty (that is actully Gracie's from her Aunt Mindy during her stay in the hospital) in the cupboard and shut the door. It was the cupboard that houses my kitchen towels and dishclothes. I opened the door wanting a towel and pulled out this white and black stripped thing. It scared me and I dropped it. After seeing it I laughed and laughed. Paige came around the corner and said ta da. I laughed even harder. So now the kitty visits the cupboard.

The sex of the baby will be .................................... shared on the delivery date. Beau won't let us find out. He is hoping for the boy. But will be very happy for a girl. Any baby that is healthy is what he tells me.

Thanks for reading. Talk to ya soon!!!

P.S. I will see if the ultrasound pictures look good on the computer. If not I am sorry.

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